
Homepage: https://github.com/llemaitre19/jtsx

Author: Loïc Lemaître



Extends JSX/TSX built-in support


jtsx is a package for editing JSX or TSX files.  It provides jtsx-jsx-mode
and jtsx-tsx-mode major modes implemented respectively on top of js-ts-mode
and tsx-ts-mode, benefiting thus from the new tree-sitter built-in feature.

Summary of features:
* Commenting/uncommenting JSX code
* Refactoring: moving, wrapping/unwrapping, deleting, renaming JSX elements
* Jumping between opening and closing JSX elements
* Electric JSX closing element and new line
* Code folding
* Some additional indentation options

Note on the default configuration:
This package doesn't automatically register its provided major modes into
auto-mode-alist.  It is up to the user to do the association, letting him/her
choose which of the provided modes he/she wants to use.  Same consideration
applies for command shortcuts.
