Homepage: https://github.com/andreasjansson/language-detection.el
Author: Andreas Jansson
Automatic language detection from code snippets
Automatic programming language detection using pre-trained random forest classifier. Supported languages: * ada * awk * c * clojure * cpp * csharp * css * dart * delphi * emacslisp * erlang * fortran * fsharp * go * groovy * haskell * html * java * javascript * json * latex * lisp * lua * matlab * objc * perl * php * prolog * python * r * ruby * rust * scala * shell * smalltalk * sql * swift * visualbasic * xml Entrypoints: * language-detection-buffer - When called interactively, prints the language of the current buffer to the echo area - When called non-interactively, returns the language of the current buffer * language-detection-string - Non-interactive function, returns the language of its argument