Homepage: https://github.com/slotThe/change-env
Author: Tony Zorman
Change in and out of LaTeX environments
This package provides a way to modify LaTeX environments, macros, as well as inline and display maths mode (seeing them as an environment of sorts). There exists a [blog post], which includes some moving pictures that showcase the functionality of this package. Note that, in the sequel, "environment" shall usually refer to LaTeX environments, macros, as well as inline and display maths mode—not just to LaTeX environments themselves. Refer to the README for a full account of the package's functionality, as well as how to install it. Briefly: + The entry point is the `latex-change-env' function, which—when invoked from inside an environments—pops up a list of possible actions, as defined by the `latex-change-env-options' variable. There is also the option to cycle through arguments in `latex-change-env-cycle', which depends on [math-delimiters]. + Labels are changed/deleted in a previous way, with an option to edit the respective label across the whole project; see below. Also, deleted labels are stored for the current session (based on the specific contents of the environment) and potentially restored when switching from e.g. display maths to an environment with an associated label prefix in `latex-change-env-labels'. + What exactly we mean by "inline" and "display maths" is controlled by the `latex-change-env-math-inline' and `latex-change-env-math-display' variables. + This package depends on AUCTeX—but you are already using that anyways. + If you're customizing `latex-change-env-edit-labels-in-project', we also depend on project.el, meaning Emacs 27.1 and up. [blog post]: https://tony-zorman.com/posts/latex-change-env-0.3.html [math-delimiters]: https://github.com/oantolin/math-delimiters