



Lazy Search


Lazy Search

Like this name, this extension provide a lazy-search mode.
This extension is base on `one-key' mode.

It can take the search string from the buffer around point.
Then jump next or previous match fast.

Simple describe use step:

1-> Make sure you have install `one-key', `lazy-search' depend it.

2-> Bind some global keystroke with function `lazy-search-menu'.
    Like me: (global-set-key (kbd "M-s") 'lazy-search-menu)

3-> Move cursor to some symbol, and type `M-s', then current symbol
    will mark in all buffer and will popup a help window.

4-> Then you just type keystroke 's', you can jump to next symbol,
    you just type keystroke 'r', you can jump to previous symbol.

5-> If you type 'w' can switch current search type from SYMBOL (default)
    switch to WORD.

6-> That's all, you just call function, will popup a keystroke help
    window, then you just try type keystroke in window.

Have two function transform search object between `lazy-search'
     `lazy-search-to-isearch' can transform search object to `isearch'.
     `isearch-to-lazy-search' can transform search object to `lazy-search',
             just bind this function with `isearch-to-lazy-search'.


Put lazy-search.el to your load-path.
The load-path is usually ~/elisp/.
It's set in your ~/.emacs like this:
(add-to-list 'load-path (expand-file-name "~/elisp"))

And the following to your ~/.emacs startup file.

(require 'lazy-search)

Bind any keystroke you like to `lazy-search-menu'.

(global-set-key (kbd "M-s") 'lazy-search-menu)
