

Author: Tim Krones



Mnemonic key bindings for Lispy


This package provides a minor mode that sets up mnemonic[1] key
bindings for Lispy[2]. lispy-mnemonic also makes extensive use of
hydras[3] for grouping related commands and improving


lispy-mnemonic started out as an attempt to make it easier for
myself to learn Lispy. I'm familiar with the concept of modal
editing, but I'm not a Vim user (which means that it doesn't come
naturally to me to use, e.g., hjkl for movement). Also, I find it
harder to commit a key sequence to memory if it is completely
unrelated to the command it is bound to.


There are probably some exceptions but in general, key binding
choices are based on the following principles:

1. *Make key bindings match command names.* Alternatively, base key
   binding choices on default bindings for related functionality
   that ships with Emacs.

2. *Group related commands* under a common prefix. Separate
   commands that share a common prefix in Lispy if they don't seem
   to be strongly related in terms of functionality.

3. *Improve discoverability*, but don't be overly obtrusive.

4. *Do not override default key bindings* (especially if the
   functionality they provide is completely unrelated to the
   command you are trying to bind).

Target Audience

If you:

- would like to start learning Lispy
- have played around with Lispy but not mastered it
- haven't burned Vim-style key bindings into your muscle memory
- find that mnemonics make it easier to learn and remember new
  commands and key bindings

... there is a good chance you'll benefit from using lispy-mnemonic.

If you have already memorized most or all of Lispy's commands and
key bindings (kudos!), you probably don't need this package. But
before you leave, *do* have a look at the hydras that
lispy-mnemonic ships with[4]. Who knows, maybe you'll find a couple
that you like :)


lispy-mnemonic is not on MELPA[5] (yet). To start using it, follow
these steps:

1. If you haven't already, install Lispy:

   M-x package-install RET lispy RET

2. Clone this repo:

   $ git clone

3. Add the following code to your init-file:

   (add-to-list 'load-path "~/path/to/lispy-mnemonic/")
   (require 'lispy-mnemonic)

4. **Optional**: To turn `lispy-mnemonic-mode' on automatically
   for, e.g., buffers that are in `emacs-lisp-mode', add the
   following code to your init-file:

        (add-hook 'emacs-lisp-mode-hook 'lispy-mnemonic-mode)


Do M-x lispy-mnemonic-mode RET to turn `lispy-mnemonic-mode' on or

See [6] for a full list of bindings.


By default, lispy-mnemonic does not alter Lispy bindings that
conflict with default bindings for built-in commands. If you would
like to restore the original behavior of any bindings that Lispy
overrides, add the following to your init-file:

    (setq lispy-mnemonic-restore-bindings t)

Here is a list of bindings that will be restored:

 | Keys | Command                 |
 | C-2  | digit-argument          |
 | C-3  | digit-argument          |
 | C-4  | digit-argument          |
 | C-7  | digit-argument          |
 | C-8  | digit-argument          |
 | C-9  | digit-argument          |
 | M-,  | tags-loop-continue      |
 | M-m  | back-to-indentation     |
 | M-i  | tab-to-tab-stop         |
 | M-j  | indent-new-comment-line |
 | M-J  | indent-new-comment-line |


