Homepage: https://elpa.gnu.org/packages/load-dir.html
Author: Ben Key, Teodor Zlatanov
Load all Emacs Lisp files in a given directory
This package provides a way to load all Emacs Lisp snippets (they don't have to be libraries) in a directory on startup or when Emacs is already running. It won't reload snippets unless the user requests it, so for instance adding a lambda to a hook is usually safe. You can specify ~/.emacs.d/load.d, a single directory, or a list of directories. The file search can be recursive. See the customizable variable `load-dirs' for details. The intent of ~/.emacs.d/load.d is to give package installers like el-get.el (see https://github.com/dimitri/el-get) and other tools a way to easily bootstrap themselves without necessarily modifying your .emacs or custom files directly.