
Homepage: https://github.com/phf-1/locs-and-refs

Author: Pierre-Henry FRÖHRING



Define locations and references for files and buffers


Locations and References for Emacs

If there is a string like "[[ref:1234]]" in some buffer, then this minor mode will
turn it into a "Reference". A reference may be viewed as a button such that a
click will search for the matching "Location" in files' content, file names and
buffers. A matching location may be a string "[[id:1234]]" or a file named "1234".

More precisely:

- A location is defined as:
  - or :ID: 
  - or [[id:]]
  - or [[id:][]]

- A reference is defined as:
  - or :REF: 
  - or [[ref:]]
  - or [[ref:][]]

This package requires 'ripgrep' and 'fd' to be installed on your system for full

- Ripgrep: For fast text search.
- fd: For fast file search.

The code structure lives at:
- https://github.com/phf-1/.emacs.d/blob/master/elisp/locs-and-refs/locs-and-refs.org
