




LSP-mode client for LaTeX, on texlab


Table of Contents

1. lsp-mode client for Texlab.
2. How to Use?
3. Variables
.. 1. `lsp-latex-texlab-executable'
.. 2. `lsp-latex-texlab-executable-argument-list'
.. 3. Others, provided by texlab server
4. Build
.. 1. `lsp-latex-build'
5. Workspace commands
.. 1. `lsp-latex-clean-auxiliary'
.. 2. `lsp-latex-clean-artifacts'
.. 3. `lsp-latex-change-environment'
.. 4. `lsp-latex-find-environments'
..... 1. `lsp-latex-complete-environment'
.. 5. `lsp-latex-show-dependency-graph'
.. 6. `lsp-latex-cancel-build'
6. Commands with `lsp-latex-complete-environment'
.. 1. `lsp-latex-goto-environment'
.. 2. `lsp-latex-select-and-change-environment'
7. Forward/inverse search
.. 1. Forward search
.. 2. Inverse search
.. 3. Examples
..... 1. SumatraPDF
..... 2. Evince
..... 3. Okular
..... 4. Zathura
..... 5. qpdfview
..... 6. Skim
..... 7. `pdf-tools' integration
8. License






1 lsp-mode client for Texlab.

  While `lsp-tex.el', included by [lsp-mode], provides minimal setting
  for [Texlab], `lsp-latex.el' provides full features of [Texlab]



2 How to Use?

  - First, you have to install Texlab.  Please install this [here].
  - Next, you should make `lsp-mode' available.  See [lsp-mode].
  - Now, you can use Language Server Protocol (LSP) on (la)tex-mode or
    yatex-mode just to evaluate this:

  |  1  (add-to-list 'load-path "/path/to/lsp-latex")
  |  2  (require 'lsp-latex)
  |  3  ;; "texlab" executable must be located at a directory contained in `exec-path'.
  |  4  ;; If you want to put "texlab" somewhere else,
  |  5  ;; you can specify the path to "texlab" as follows:
  |  6  ;; (setq lsp-latex-texlab-executable "/path/to/texlab")
  |  7
  |  8  (with-eval-after-load "tex-mode"
  |  9   (add-hook 'tex-mode-hook 'lsp)
  | 10   (add-hook 'latex-mode-hook 'lsp))
  | 11
  | 12  ;; For YaTeX
  | 13  (with-eval-after-load "yatex"
  | 14   (add-hook 'yatex-mode-hook 'lsp))
  | 15
  | 16  ;; For bibtex
  | 17  (with-eval-after-load "bibtex"
  | 18   (add-hook 'bibtex-mode-hook 'lsp))



3 Variables

3.1 `lsp-latex-texlab-executable'

  Where Texlab server executable located.

3.2 `lsp-latex-texlab-executable-argument-list'

  Argument list passed to Texlab server.

3.3 Others, provided by texlab server

  These variables are connected to Texlab configuration variables.  See
  also [Texlab official wiki].
   Custom variable in Emacs                               Configuration provided by Texlab
   lsp-latex-forward-search-executable                    texlab.forwardSearch.executable
   lsp-latex-forward-search-args                          texlab.forwardSearch.args
   lsp-latex-chktex-additional-args                       texlab.chktex.additionalArgs
   lsp-latex-chktex-on-open-and-save                      texlab.chktex.onOpenAndSave
   lsp-latex-chktex-on-edit                               texlab.chktex.onEdit
   lsp-latex-diagnostics-delay                            texlab.diagnosticsDelay
   lsp-latex-diagnostics-allowed-patterns                 texlab.diagnostics.allowedPatterns
   lsp-latex-diagnostics-ignored-patterns                 texlab.diagnostics.ignoredPatterns
   lsp-latex-symbols-custom-environments                  texlab.symbols.customEnvironments
   lsp-latex-symbols-allowed-patterns                     texlab.symbol.allowedPatterns
   lsp-latex-symbols-ignored-patterns                     texlab.symbol.ignoredPatterns
   lsp-latex-bibtex-formatter-line-length                 texlab.formatterLineLength
   lsp-latex-bibtex-formatter                             texlab.bibtexFormatter
   lsp-latex-latex-formatter                              texlab.latexFormatter
   lsp-latex-latexindent-local                            texlab.latexindent.local
   lsp-latex-latexindent-modify-line-breaks               texlab.latexindent.modifyLineBreaks
   lsp-latex-latexindent-replacement                      texlab.latexindent.replacement
   lsp-latex-completion-matcher                           texlab.completion.matcher
   lsp-latex-inlay-hints-label-definitions                texlab.inlayHints.labelDefinitions
   lsp-latex-inlay-hints-label-references                 texlab.inlayHints.labelReferences
   lsp-latex-inlay-hints-max-length                       texlab.inlayHints.maxLength
   lsp-latex-experimental-math-environments               texlab.experimental.mathEnvironments
   lsp-latex-experimental-enum-environments               texlab.experimental.enumEnvironments
   lsp-latex-experimental-verbatim-environments           texlab.experimental.verbatimEnvironments
   lsp-latex-experimental-citation-commands               texlab.experimental.citationCommands
   lsp-latex-experimental-label-reference-commands        texlab.experimental.labelReferenceCommands
   lsp-latex-experimental-label-reference-range-commands  texlab.experimental.labelReferenceRangeCommands
   lsp-latex-experimental-label-definition-commands       texlab.experimental.labelReferenceCommands
   lsp-latex-experimental-label-reference-prefixes        texlab.experimental.labelReferencePrefixes
   lsp-latex-experimental-label-definition-prefixes       texlab.experimental.labelDefinitionPrefixes

[Texlab official wiki]

4 Build

4.1 `lsp-latex-build'

  Request texlab to build `.tex' files.  It use [`latexmk'] by default,
  so add `.latexmkrc' if you want to customize latex commands or
  options.  You can change build command and option to other such as
  `make', by changing `lsp-latex-build-executable' and

  This command build asynchronously by default, while it build
  synchronously with prefix argument(`C-u').


5 Workspace commands

  These commands are connected to Texlab Workspace commands.  See also
  [Texlab official wiki].

   Custom variable in Emacs         Configuration provided by Texlab
   lsp-latex-clean-auxiliary        texlab.cleanAuxiliary
   lsp-latex-clean-artifacts        texlab.cleanArtifacts
   lsp-latex-change-environment     texlab.changeEnvironment
   lsp-latex-find-environments      texlab.findEnvironments
   lsp-latex-show-dependency-graph  texlab.showDependencyGraph
   lsp-latex-cancel-build           texlab.cancelBuild

[Texlab official wiki]

5.1 `lsp-latex-clean-auxiliary'

  This command removes LaTeX auxiliary files.  It will run `latexmk -c'
  in the project.

5.2 `lsp-latex-clean-artifacts'

  This command removes LaTeX auxiliary files and artifacts It will run
  `latexmk -C' in the project.

5.3 `lsp-latex-change-environment'

  This command replaces enviroment name to NEW-NAME in current position.
  This edits most-inner environment containing the current position.

5.4 `lsp-latex-find-environments'

  This function get list of environments containing the current point.
  Each element of the list is `lsp-latex-environment-location' instance.
  See the docstring of `lsp-latex-environment-location'.

5.4.1 `lsp-latex-complete-environment'

  This function reads environment name from minibuffer and returns
  `lsp-latex-environment-location' instance.

  It takes three arguments, `BUFFER', `POINT', `PROMPT'.  `PROMPT' is
  used as prompt for `consult--read', which is wrapper of
  `completing-read'.  `BUFFER' and `POINT' specify basis to find

5.5 `lsp-latex-show-dependency-graph'

  Show dependency graph written by DOT format.  [`graphviz-dot-mode'] is
  needed if you needs syntax highlights or a graphical image.


5.6 `lsp-latex-cancel-build'

  This command request Texlab to cancel the proceeding build.

6 Commands with `lsp-latex-complete-environment'

  `lsp-latex-find-environments', which is interface for
  `texlab.FindEnvironments', does nothing but returns list of
  environments.  So this package provide some additional commands to
  utilize it.

6.1 `lsp-latex-goto-environment'

  Go to selected environment containing the current point.

6.2 `lsp-latex-select-and-change-environment'

  Change name of selected environment to NEW-NAME.

7 Forward/inverse search

  Forward search and inverse search are available.  See also [Texlab
  official wiki].

[Texlab official wiki]

7.1 Forward search

  You can move from Emacs to current position on pdf viewer by the
  function `lsp-latex-forward-search'.  To use, you should set
  `lsp-latex-forward-search-executable' and
  `lsp-latex-forward-search-args' according to your pdf viewer.

  You can see [Texlab official wiki], but you should replace some VSCode
  words with Emacs words.  `latex.forwardSearch.executable' should be
  replaced with `lsp-latex-forward-search-executable', and
  `latex.forwardSearch.args' with `lsp-latex-forward-search-args'.  You
  should setq each variable instead of writing like json, and vector in
  json is replaced to list in Emacs Lisp.  So the json:
  | {
  |        "texlab.forwardSearch.executable": "FavoriteViewer",
  |        "texlab.forwardSearch.args": [ "%p", "%f", "%l" ]
  | }
  should be replaced with the Emacs Lisp code:
  | (setq lsp-latex-forward-search-executable "FavoriteViewer")
  | (setq lsp-latex-forward-search-args '("%p" "%f" "%l"))

  In `lsp-latex-forward-search-args', the string "%f" is replaced with
  "The path of the current TeX file", "%p" with "The path of the current
  PDF file", "%l" with "The current line number", by Texlab (see
  [Forward search arg section in Texlab official wiki]).

  For example of SumatraPDF, write in init.el:
  | (setq lsp-latex-forward-search-executable "C:/Users/{User}/AppData/Local/SumatraPDF/SumatraPDF.exe")
  | (setq lsp-latex-forward-search-args '("-reuse-instance" "%p" "-forward-search" "%f" "%l"))
  while VSCode config with json (see [Texlab official wiki]) is:
  | {
  |   "texlab.forwardSearch.executable": "C:/Users/{User}/AppData/Local/SumatraPDF/SumatraPDF.exe",
  |   "texlab.forwardSearch.args": [
  |     "-reuse-instance",
  |     "%p",
  |     "-forward-search",
  |     "%f",
  |     "%l"
  |   ]
  | }

  Then, you can jump to the current position on pdf viewer by command

[Texlab official wiki]

[Forward search arg section in Texlab official wiki]

[Texlab official wiki]

7.2 Inverse search

  You can go to the current position on Emacs from pdf viewer.  Whatever
  pdf viewer you use, you should start Emacs server by writing in
  | (server-start)
  Then, you can jump to line {{LINE-NUMBER}} in file named {{FILENAME}}
  with the command:
  | 1  emacsclient +{{LINE-NUMBER}} {{FILENAME}}
  {{LINE-NUMBER}} and {{FILENAME}} should be replaced with line number
  and filename you want to jump to.  Each pdf viewer can provide some
  syntax to replace.

  For example of SmatraPDF (see [Texlab official wiki]), "Add the
  following line to your SumatraPDF settings file (Menu -> Settings ->
  Advanced Options):"
  | 1  InverseSearchCmdLine = C:\path\to\emacsclient.exe +%l %f
  Then, "You can execute the search by pressing Alt+DoubleClick in the
  PDF document".

[Texlab official wiki]

7.3 Examples

  These examples are according to [Texlab official wiki].  Especially,
  quoted or double-quoted sentences are citation from [Texlab official

[Texlab official wiki]

7.3.1 SumatraPDF

        We highly recommend SumatraPDF on Windows because Adobe
        Reader locks the opened PDF file and will therefore
        prevent further builds.

* Forward search

  Write to init.el:
  | (setq lsp-latex-forward-search-executable "C:/Users/{User}/AppData/Local/SumatraPDF/SumatraPDF.exe")
  | (setq lsp-latex-forward-search-args '("-reuse-instance" "%p" "-forward-search" "%f" "%l"))

* Inverse Search

        Add the following line to your [SumatraPDF] settings file
        (Menu -> Settings -> Advanced Options):
  | 1  InverseSearchCmdLine = C:\path\to\emacsclient.exe +%l "%f"
        You can execute the search by pressing `Alt+DoubleClick'
        in the PDF document.


7.3.2 Evince

        The SyncTeX feature of [Evince] requires communication via
        D-Bus.  In order to use it from the command line, install
        the [evince-synctex] script.



* Forward search

  Write to init.el:
  | (setq lsp-latex-forward-search-executable "evince-synctex")
  | (setq lsp-latex-forward-search-args '("-f" "%l" "%p" "\"emacsclient +%l %f\""))

* Inverse search

        The inverse search feature is already configured if you
        use `evince-synctex'.  You can execute the search by
        pressing `Ctrl+Click' in the PDF document.

7.3.3 Okular

* Forward search

  Write to init.el:
  | (setq lsp-latex-forward-search-executable "okular")
  | (setq lsp-latex-forward-search-args '("--unique" "file:%p#src:%l%f"))

* Inverse search

        Change the editor of Okular (Settings -> Configure
        Okular... -> Editor) to "Custom Text Editor" and set the
        following command:
  | emacsclient +%l "%f"
  You can execute the search by pressing `Shift+Click' in the PDF

7.3.4 Zathura

* Forward search

  Write to init.el:
  | (setq lsp-latex-forward-search-executable "zathura")
  | (setq lsp-latex-forward-search-args '("--synctex-forward" "%l:1:%f" "%p"))

* Inverse search

        Add the following lines to your
        `~/.config/zathura/zathurarc' file:
  | 1  set synctex true
  | 2  set synctex-editor-command "emacsclient +%{line} %{input}"
        You can execute the search by pressing `Alt+Click' in the
        PDF document.

7.3.5 qpdfview

* Forward search

  Write to init.el:
  | (setq lsp-latex-forward-search-executable "qpdfview")
  | (setq lsp-latex-forward-search-args '("--unique" "%p#src:%f:%l:1"))

* Inverse search

        Change the source editor setting (Edit -> Settings... ->
        Behavior -> Source editor) to:
  | 1  emacsclient +%2 "%1"
        and select a mouse button modifier (Edit -> Settings... ->
        Behavior -> Modifiers -> Mouse button modifiers -> Open in
        Source Editor)of choice.  You can execute the search by
        pressing Modifier+Click in the PDF document.

7.3.6 Skim

        We recommend [Skim] on macOS since it is the only native
        viewer that supports SyncTeX.  Additionally, enable the
        "Reload automatically" setting in the Skim preferences
        (Skim -> Preferences -> Sync -> Check for file changes).


* Forward search

  Write to init.el:
  | (setq lsp-latex-forward-search-executable "/Applications/")
  | (setq lsp-latex-forward-search-args '("%l" "%p" "%f"))
  "If you want Skim to stay in the background after executing the
  forward search, you can add the `-g' option to"

* Inverse search

  Select Emacs preset "in the Skim preferences (Skim -> Preferences ->
  Sync -> PDF-TeX Sync support).  You can execute the search by pressing
  `Shift+⌘+Click' in the PDF document."

7.3.7 `pdf-tools' integration

  If you want to use forward search with `pdf-tools', follow the
  | ;; Start Emacs server
  | (server-start)
  | ;; Turn on SyncTeX on the build.
  | ;; If you use `lsp-latex-build', it is on by default.
  | ;; If not (for example, YaTeX or LaTeX-mode building system),
  | ;; put to init.el like this:
  | (setq tex-command "platex --synctex=1")
  | ;; Setting for pdf-tools
  | (setq lsp-latex-forward-search-executable "emacsclient")
  | (setq lsp-latex-forward-search-args
  |       '("--eval"
  |         "(lsp-latex-forward-search-with-pdf-tools \"%f\" \"%p\" \"%l\")"))
  Inverse research is not provided by Texlab, so please use

8 License

  This package is licensed by GPLv3. See [LICENSE].

