Homepage: https://github.com/magit/magit-imerge
Author: Kyle Meyer
Magit extension for git-imerge
Magit-imerge is a Magit interface to git-imerge [*], a Git extension for performing incremental merges. There are four high-level git-imerge subcommands that can be used to start an incremental merge. Each has a corresponding command in Magit-imerge. * git-imerge merge => magit-imerge-merge * git-imerge rebase => magit-imerge-rebase * git-imerge revert => magit-imerge-revert * git-imerge drop => magit-imerge-drop All these commands are available under the `magit-imerge' transient. If you use `magit-imerge' regularly, you may want to bind it in `magit-mode-map'. One option is to free up "i" for `magit-imerge' by moving `magit-gitignore' to another binding: (define-key magit-mode-map (kbd "C-c C-i") 'magit-gitignore) (define-key magit-mode-map "i" 'magit-imerge) And, if you prefer, you can also update `magit-dispatch' to reflect those changes: (transient-replace-suffix 'magit-dispatch "i" '("i" "Imerge" magit-imerge)) (transient-append-suffix 'magit-dispatch "!" '("C-c C-i" "Ignore" magit-gitignore)) Once an incremental merge has been started with one of the commands above, the imerge popup will display the following sequence commands: * magit-imerge-continue * magit-imerge-suspend * magit-imerge-finish * magit-imerge-abort One of the advantages of incremental merges is that you can return to them at a later time. Calling `magit-imerge-suspend' will suspend the current incremental merge. You can resume it later using `magit-imerge-resume'. [*] https://github.com/mhagger/git-imerge