Homepage: https://github.com/ludwigpacifici/modern-cpp-font-lock
Author: Ludwig PACIFICI
Font-locking for "Modern C++"
Syntax highlighting support for "Modern C++" - until C++20 and Technical Specification. This package aims to provide a simple highlight of the C++ language without dependency. It is recommended to use it in addition with the c++-mode major mode for extra highlighting (user defined types, functions, etc.) and indentation. Melpa: [M-x] package-install [RET] modern-cpp-font-lock [RET] In your init Emacs file add: (add-hook 'c++-mode-hook #'modern-c++-font-lock-mode) or: (modern-c++-font-lock-global-mode t) For the current buffer, the minor-mode can be turned on/off via the command: [M-x] modern-c++-font-lock-mode [RET] More documentation: https://github.com/ludwigpacifici/modern-cpp-font-lock/blob/master/README.md Feedback is welcome!