

Author: Jonas Bernoulli



Tabs and ribbons for the mode line


This package provides utilities for displaying elements of the
mode line as tabs and ribbons.  It also provides replacements
for a few built-in elements.

The biggest differences to similar packages is that this one is
much simpler and much more consistent.  When using this package,
then only the color of the mode line changes when a window
becomes in-/active.  Other packages additionally change what
elements are being displayed and also the appearance of an
individual element may change completely, which I found highly
distracting when trying out those packages because I never know
what visual clues to look for in order to find a certain piece
of information.


* Make sure that the face `mode-line' does not set `:box' and
  that `:underline' and `:overline' are the same color or are
  both `undefined'.  If defined, then the line color should be
  different from the `:background' colors of both `mode-line'
  and `default'.  The same rules apply to `mode-line-inactive'.
  The line colors of `mode-line' and `mode-line-inactive' do
  not necessarily have to be identical.  For example:

    (use-package solarized-theme
      (load-theme 'solarized-light t)
      (let ((line (face-attribute 'mode-line :underline)))
        (set-face-attribute 'mode-line          nil :overline   line)
        (set-face-attribute 'mode-line-inactive nil :overline   line)
        (set-face-attribute 'mode-line-inactive nil :underline  line)
        (set-face-attribute 'mode-line          nil :box        nil)
        (set-face-attribute 'mode-line-inactive nil :box        nil)
        (set-face-attribute 'mode-line-inactive nil :background "#f9f2d9")))

* Note that the above example is for `solarized-theme' and that for
  your theme (face-attribute 'mode-line :underline) may return nil.
  If you want borders, use something like (let ((line "red")) ...),
  in that case.

* Add something like this to your init file:

    (use-package moody
      (setq x-underline-at-descent-line t)

* Such replacement functions are defines as commands, making it
  quicker to try them out without having to add anything to your
  init file.

* To undo the call to a `moody-replace-*' function, call the same
  function with t as the value of the optional REVERSE argument.
  You can accomplish the same by interactively calling such a
  function with a prefix argument to do so.
