

Author: Andy Stewart



Managing multiple terminal buffers in Emacs


This package is for creating and managing multiple terminal buffers in Emacs.

By default, term.el provides a great terminal emulator in Emacs.
But I have some troubles with term-mode:

1. term.el just provides commands `term' or `ansi-term'
   for creating a terminal buffer.
   And there is no special command to create or switch
   between multiple terminal buffers quickly.

2. By default, the keystrokes of term.el conflict with global-mode keystrokes,
   which makes it difficult for the user to integrate term.el with Emacs.

3. By default, executing *NIX command “exit” from term-mode,
   it will leave an unused buffer.

4. term.el won’t quit running sub-process when you kill terminal buffer forcibly.

5. Haven’t a dedicated window for debug program.

And multi-term.el is enhanced with those features.


Copy multi-term.el to your load-path and add to your ~/.emacs

 (require 'multi-term)

And setup program that `multi-term' will need:

(setq multi-term-program "/bin/bash")

     or setup like me "/bin/zsh" ;)

Below are the commands you can use:

     `multi-term'                    Create a new term buffer.
     `multi-term-next'               Switch to next term buffer.
     `multi-term-prev'               Switch to previous term buffer.
     `multi-term-dedicated-open'     Open dedicated term window.
     `multi-term-dedicated-close'    Close dedicated term window.
     `multi-term-dedicated-toggle'   Toggle dedicated term window.
     `multi-term-dedicated-select'   Select dedicated term window.


     You can type `C-u' before command `multi-term' or `multi-term-dedicated-open'
     then will prompt you shell name for creating terminal buffer.


Reverse dependencies