Homepage: http://www.foldr.org/~michaelw/emacs
Author: Michael Weber
Display color boxes for each nesting level
Color-boxify current buffer with M-x mwe:color-box-buffer Sit back. Enjoy. :) Notes: * Buffer is made read-only, so that editing is not possible Inspired by http://www.32768.com/bill/weblog/000660.shtml#000660 As an example, uncomment FACTORIAL, mark it, and use M-x `mwe:color-box-region/miscbill'. To get the same colors as on the webpage, eval: (custom-set-faces '(mwe:nesting-face-0 ((((class color)) (:background "#90b0f0")))) '(mwe:nesting-face-1 ((((class color)) (:background "#b090f0")))) '(mwe:nesting-face-2 ((((class color)) (:background "#f0b090")))) '(mwe:nesting-face-3 ((((class color)) (:background "#90b0f0")))) '(mwe:nesting-face-4 ((((class color)) (:background "#90f0b0")))) '(mwe:nesting-face-5 ((((class color)) (:background "#b0f090")))) '(mwe:nesting-face-6 ((((class color)) (:background "#b090f0")))) '(mwe:nesting-face-7 ((((class color)) (:background "#90b0f0")))) '(mwe:nesting-face-8 ((((class color)) (:background "#b0f090"))))) (DEFUN FACTORIAL (X) (COND ( (EQ X 1) 1) (T (* X (FACTORIAL (- X 1) ) ) ) ) )