Homepage: https://github.com/echosa/emacs-mysql2sqlite
Convert mysql databases into sqlite databases
mysql2sqlite is an Emacs package for converting a mysql database into an sqlite database. Installation: The package can be installed with M-x package-list-packages (requires package.el, which is included for Emacs 24 but availble for 23). The MELPA repository must be added to your packages setup first. Instructions can be found at https://melpa.org/ Alternatively, the source can be pulled direclty from github: https://github.com/echosa/emacs-mysql2sqlite Customize There are some customizable options: mysql2sqlite-sqlite-executable - The sqlite executable to run. mysql2sqlite-mysqldump-executable - The mysqldump executable to run. mysql2sqlite-mysqldump-host - The default host to connect to with mysqldump. mysql2sqlite-mysqldump-user - The default user to use to connect to mysqldump. mysql2sqlite-mysqldump-database - The default database to convert Usage Usage is as simple as running M-x mysql2sqlite. You will be prompted for the necessary values, with the customized defaults as default values. Running the function will result in several files in the target directory:.sql - The actual SQL file generated via mysqldump. .db - The generated sqlite database. .err - The output of the conversion process. mysql2sqlite is written and maintained by Brian Zwahr