Homepage: https://github.com/tarides/ocaml-eglot
Author: Frédéric Bour, Simon Castellan, Thomas Refis, Ulysse Gerard, Xavier Van de Woestyne
An OCaml companion for Eglot
Provides a development environment for writing OCaml code. Built on top of `ocaml-lsp-server` (https://ocaml.org/p/ocaml-lsp-server/latest) via Eglot (https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_mono/eglot.html) for LSP interactions. `ocaml-eglot` provides standard implementations of the various custom-requests exposed by `ocaml-lsp-server`. Under the bonnet, `ocaml-eglot` and `ocaml-lsp-server` take advantage of `merlin` (https://ocaml.org/p/merlin-lib/latest) as a library to provide advanced IDE services.