
Homepage: https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs

Author: Ray Blaak, Simon South


Major mode for editing Object Pascal source in Emacs


To enter OPascal mode when you find an Object Pascal source file,
one must override the auto-mode-alist to associate OPascal with
.pas (and .dpr and .dpk) files.  Emacs, by default, will otherwise
enter Pascal mode.  For example:

(autoload 'opascal-mode "opascal")
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist
             '("\\.\\(pas\\|dpr\\|dpk\\)\\'" . opascal-mode))

When you have entered OPascal mode, you may get more info by pressing
C-h m.

This OPascal mode implementation is fairly tolerant of syntax errors,
relying as much as possible on the indentation of the previous statement.
This also makes it faster and simpler, since there is less searching for
properly constructed beginnings.
