

Author: Oleh Krehel



Image drag-and-drop for Org-mode


This extension facilitates moving images from point A to point B.

Point A (the source) can be:
1. An image inside your browser that you can drag to Emacs.
2. An image on your file system that you can drag to Emacs.
3. A local or remote image address in kill-ring.
   Use the `org-download-yank' command for this.
   Remember that you can use "0 w" in `dired' to get an address.
4. An screenshot taken using `gnome-screenshot' or `scrot' or `gm'.
   Use the `org-download-screenshot' command for this.
   Customize the backend with  `org-download-screenshot-method'.

Point B (the target) is an Emacs `org-mode' buffer where the inline
link will be inserted.  Several customization options will determine
where exactly on the file system the file will be stored.

They are:
a. 'attach => use `org-mode' attachment machinery
b. 'directory => construct the directory in two stages:
   1. first part of the folder name is:
      * either "." (current folder)
      * or `org-download-image-dir' (if it's not nil).
        `org-download-image-dir' becomes buffer-local when set,
        so each file can customize this value, e.g with:
        # -*- mode: Org; org-download-image-dir: "~/Pictures/foo"; -*-
   2. second part is:
      * `org-download-heading-lvl' is nil => ""
      * `org-download-heading-lvl' is n => the name of current
        heading with level n. Level count starts with 0,
        i.e. * is 0, ** is 1, *** is 2 etc.
        `org-download-heading-lvl' becomes buffer-local when set,
        so each file can customize this value, e.g with:
        # -*- mode: Org; org-download-heading-lvl: nil; -*-

optionally add a timestamp to the file name.

Customize `org-download-backend' to choose between `url-retrieve'
(the default) or `wget' or `curl'.
