
Author: Jonas Hörsch



Sync org files with external calendar through CalDAV



- The UID and the resource name are the same

- There is only one event per resource

This package depends on the url-dav package, which unfortunately is
broken in Emacs proper. Get a fixed one from
and load it before using org-e-caldav.

In a nutshell:

- Create a new calendar; the name does not matter. Again, do *not*
  use your precious main calendar.

- Set `org-e-caldav-url' to the calendar address of your CalDAV
  server, it is usually made up of a base url + a calendar id
   * Owncloud: https://OWNCLOUD-SERVER-URL/remote.php/caldav/calendars/USERID/CALENDAR/
   * Google:
     where the ID is shown in the 'calendar settings' on Google.

- Set `org-e-caldav-files' to the list of org files you would like to
  sync. The inbox file is added automatically.

- Set `org-e-caldav-inbox' to an org filename where new entries from
  the calendar should be stored.

Call `org-e-caldav-sync' to start the sync. The URL package will
ask you for username/password for accessing the calendar. Its
implementation of digest authentication is already a bit older
(follows obsolete rfc2069 instead of current rfc2617, but which is
backwards compatible if correctly implemented) and at least doesn't
work with DigestAuthentication of DAVServers derived from SabreDAV
as for example Baikal.
