

Author: Jambunathan K



Extra Emphasis markers for Org



This library provides two additional markers `!!' and `!@' over
and above those in `org-emphasis-alist'.'

- Text enclosed in `!!' is highlighted in yellow, and exported likewise
- Text enclosed in `!@' is displayed in red, and exported likewise

Following backends are supported: HTML and ODT. For export of extra
emphasis markers to the ODT side, you need
[[][Enhanced ODT]]
exporter with version >= (dtd. June 14, 2022 IST).  This
is the first version of the exporter that defines the user option



Add the following to your `user-init-file' and restart Emacs.

   (requrie 'org-extra-emphasis)

Test Run

1. Create an `org' file, say `' and fill it
   with following content or you can download the file from

	  ;; #+TITLE: Test file for ==org-extra-emphasis== library

	  ;; * Demo of extra emphasis markers ==!!== and ==!@==

	  ;; !!Ea consectetur laboris adipiscing et ipsum labore esse qui minim
	  ;; pariatur et sunt sunt nostrud anim laborum culpa.!!

	  ;; !@Minim reprehenderit excepteur elit, dolore elit, veniam, eu.
	  ;; Ullamco dolore elit, cupidatat sed labore ea aute.!@

	  ;; Pariatur !!et lorem cupidatat !@minim irure!@ proident, ad.!!  Eiusmod
	  ;; sunt et lorem labore ex aliqua aute esse.

	  ;; Ut mollit !@duis velit est est magna in quis ipsum.  !!Aliqua aliqua
	  ;; non laboris exercitation cupidatat aliqua incididunt.!!  Qui voluptate
	  ;; irure aute occaecat laborum cillum est.!@  Quis magna dolor ullamco
	  ;; magna do consectetur est laborum enim ut.

	  ;; * !!Demo of extra emphasis markers in a styled paragraph!!

	  ;; #+ATTR_ODT: :target "extra_styles"
	  ;; #+begin_src nxml
	  ;; #+end_src

	  ;; #+ATTR_ODT: :style "Warn"
	  ;; Proident, duis dolore consectetur sed nisi ea pariatur.  Esse
	  ;; proident, cillum duis qui ullamco sint cillum magna.  !!Eiusmod
	  ;; veniam, !@sint officia!@ non consectetur laboris cillum.!!  Cillum
	  ;; mollit consequat eu dolore ullamco qui reprehenderit anim cillum
	  ;; in consectetur consequat sunt dolore aliquip voluptate
	  ;; consectetur anim ea.  Voluptate nisi est incididunt aliquip
	  ;; excepteur aliqua id do enim ut non consequat.

2. Note that portions of text marked with `!!' and `!@' are fontified as described above.

3. Export the file to HTML with `C-c C-e h O'.

   Note that the text enclosed in the above emphasis markers are
   colorized in HTML file.

4. Export the file to ODT with `C-c C-e o O'.

   Note that the text enclosed in the above emphasis markers are
   colorized in ODT file.

The HTML, ODT, PDF generated in steps (3) and (4) above are
available at and
the screenshots can be seen in

Default Settings

16 Emphasis Markers

This library defines the following 16 emphasis markers,

| !! | !@ | !% | !& |
| @! | @@ | @% | @& |
| %! | %@ | %% | %& |
| &! | &@ | &% | && |

The above markers are all pairings of the following four characters:
    ! @ % &

It is hoped that these set of emphasis markers don't pose issues
while exporting.

17 Extra Emphasis Faces

This library defines 17 faces:

- one base face `org-extra-emphasis'
- 16 more faces `org-extra-emphasis-01',`org-extra-emphasis-02',
 ..., `org-extra-emphasis-16'.

The later 16 faces derive from `org-extra-emphasis' face.  Of
these, only the first two faces `org-extra-emphasis-01' and
`org-extra-emphasis-02' are explicitly configured.  If you are
using more than 2 emphasis markers, you may want to configure the
other 14 faces.

`org-extra-emphasis-alist' already associated 16 emphasis markers
with 16 different faces.


Configuring your own Emphasis Markers

16 numbers of emphasis markers should suffice in practice.
However, if none of the above emphasis markers resonate with you,
you can customize `org-extra-emphasis-alist', and plug in your own
markers.  When choosing your own marker, ensure that you exercise
some care.  For example, if you choose `#' as a marker you are
likely to get malformed `html' and `odt' files.

Configuring Extra Emphasis Faces

You can use `M-x customize-group RET org-extra-emphasis-faces RET'
to configure the extra emphasis faces.

Disabling the Extra Emphasis

You can use `M-x org-extra-emphasis-mode' to toggle this feature.

Adding additional export backends

To add additional backends, modify `org-extra-emphasis-formatter'
and `org-extra-emphasis-build-backend-regexp'.
