Homepage: https://github.com/AntonHakansson
Org local nix-shell
Use a buffer-local nix-shell environment in org-babel src blocks. Basic Usage: First create a nix shell derivation in a named src block. #+name: nix-shell #+begin_src nix { pkgs ? import{} }: pkgs.mkShell { buildInputs = [ pkgs.hello ]; } #+end_src We run source blocks with the shell using a special :nix-shell header argument. #+begin_src sh :nix-shell "nix-shell" hello #+end_src Then, if `org-nix-shell-mode' is enabled, the shell environment is seamlessly loaded when executing a src block or exporting. The :nix-shell header argument is like any other org-mode header argument and can be configured with: #+PROPERTY: header-args :nix-shell "nix-shell" or in a property drawer like: * Org Header :PROPERTIES: :header-args: :nix-shell "nix-shell" :END: See `demo.org' for more.