

Author: Amy Grinn



Keep track of real things as org-mode links


This package adds a 'real' type link to org mode to create links to
real things.

The function `org-real-world' will display all real links in the
current buffer.

When in a boxy mode diagram, the standard movement keys will move
by boxes rather than characters.  S-TAB will cycle the visibility
of all children.  Each box has the following keys:

  TAB   - Cycle visibility of box's children
  RET   - Jump to first occurrence of link.
  o     - Open next occurrence of link in other window.
            Pressed multiple times, cycle through occurrences.
  M-RET - Open all occurrences as separate buffers.
            This will split the current window as needed.
  r     - Jump to the box directly related to the current box.
            Repeated presses will eventually take you to the
            top level box.
