

Author: Feng Shu, Jorge Javier Araya Navarro



Static site generator based on org mode


* org2web README                                                 :README:
org2web is the new name of org-webpage, the reason of renaming org-webpage to org2web
is: [[]]

org2web is a static site generator based on [[][org-mode]],
which code derived from Kelvin H's [[][org-page]].

The main differents of two projects are as follow:

1. org2web's core *don't hard code git*, its process is like below:

  [ Org files in repository]  [ Website project configure ]

               |                           |
          < Export >                 < Generate >
               |                           |

         [ HTML files ]               [ Uploader ]  <- ( Uploader is a bash script )

               |                           |
               |                           |
                     < Run Uploader >  <- ( For example: git uploader, rclone uploader or others )

                         [ REMOTE ]


2. org2web's default config is `org-publish-project-alist' style alist,
   which can manage multi-site configs in an emacs session easily.
3. org-website find theme-files from a *themes-list* in sequence and same theme-file
   first found will be used. User can set *fallback theme* with the help of this feature.
4. org-website include a tiny emacs web server, which can be used to test publish.
5. org-website can use other uploaders to upload website, for example: rclone.
6. ...

** Installation

org2web is now available from the famous emacs package repo [[][melpa]]
so the recommended way is to install it through emacs package
management system. For more info about installation, please see
** in the "doc" folder.

** Configuration
org2web use variable `org2web-projects' to store all projects's configures, user
can add a project with the help of `add-to-list' function, but the easiest way is
using `org2web-add-project' function.

The follow code is [[][my website]]'s [[][config]],
you can adjust and paste it to your =.emacs= file:

(add-to-list 'load-path "path/to/org2web") ; Only needed if you install org2web manually

(require 'org2web)

   :repository-directory "~/project/emacs-packages/"
   :remote (git "" "master")
   ;; you can use `rclone` with `:remote (rclone "remote-name" "/remote/path/location")` instead.
   :site-domain ""
   :site-main-title "Tumashu 的个人小站"
   :site-sub-title "(九天十地,太上忘情!!!)"
   :theme (worg)
   :source-browse-url ("Github" "")
   :personal-avatar "/media/img/horse.jpg"
   :personal-duoshuo-shortname "tumashu-website"
   :web-server-port 7654))

[[][pyim]] 's org2web [[][config]] is a more complex example.

You can find more config options and theirs default values by commands:

C-h v org2web-projects
C-h v org2web-config-fallback

** Publication

M-x org2web-publish

** Dependencies

1. [[][emacs]]: this is an "of-course" dependency
2. [[][org mode]]: v8.0 is required, please use =M-x org-version = to make sure you org mode version is not less than 8.0
3. [[][bash]]: the GNU Project's shell
4. [[][git]]: a free and open source version control system
5. [[][rclone]]: support to other remote locations, see rclone's overview for more information. (Optional)
6. [[][mustache.el]]: a mustache templating library for Emacs
7. [[][htmlize.el]]: a library for syntax highlighting (usually this library is shipped with emacs)
8. [[][dash.el]]: a modern list library for Emacs
9. [[][ht.el]]: a modern hash-table library for Emacs
10. [[][simple-httpd]]: Extensible Emacs HTTP 1.1 server

** Known issues

1. Currently the deletion change handler has not been implemented so
   if you deleted some org sources, you may have to manually delete
   corresponding generated html files.
2. URI path change detection is not available. That is, if you make a
   post with the URI "/blog/2013/03/25/the-old-post-name" and then
   change this value in your org source, org2web would be unable to
   detect that this has happened. it will only publish a new html
   file for you so you need to delete the old html file related to
   the old URI manually.
