
Homepage: https://github.com/tarsius/ox-texinfo-plus

Author: Jonas Bernoulli



[obsolete] Extensions for Org's Texinfo exporter


*****  This package is going to be obsolete soon.  *****
*****  Please see README.md for more information.  *****

This package provides some extensions for Org's `texinfo' exporter
defined in `ox-texinfo'.

1. Create `@deffn' and similar definition items by writing list
   items in Org that look similar to what they will look like in
   Info.  To enable this, add:


   to your Org file.  After doing that, you can create definition
   items like so:

     - Command: magit-section-show

       Show the body of the current section.

     - Function: magit-git-exit-code &rest args
     - Macro: magit-insert-section &rest args
     - Variable: magit-display-buffer-noselect
     - User Option: magit-display-buffer-function
     - Key: q, magit-mode-bury-buffer

2. Optionally modify the Org file before exporting it.  This is
   implemented using a hook that can be set using the `BIND'

     #+BIND: ox-texinfo+-before-export-hook some-function
     #+BIND: ox-texinfo+-before-export-hook another-function

   The function `ox-texinfo+-update-version-strings' is provided
   as an example.  It makes some assumptions that might not be
   appropriate for your manuals, so you might have to define your
   own variant.

3. Fully respect the local value of `indent-tabs-mode' from the Org
   file when editing source blocks and exporting.  This affects all
   source blocks and all exporters.

   I recommend you add this at the end of Org files to avoid
   strange indentation, at least with the `texinfo' exporter:

     # Local Variables:
     # indent-tabs-mode: nil
     # End:

4. Optionally dissolve certain headlines tilted "_" when using the
   `texinfo' exporter.  This is useful when you want a headline's
   section to be collapsed when `org-cycle' reaches the CONTENTS
   state, just like the sections of sub-headlines are collapsed in
   that state, while in the export you do not want that sub-heading,
   which would be redundant outside of Org where similar visibility
   folding is not available.

   If the first child of a headline is a sub-headline titled "_",
   then the sub-headline is removed and its section is used as the
   section of the parent headline.

   I recommend that you enable this in individual Org files:

     # Local Variables:
     # eval: (require 'ox-texinfo+ nil t)
     # org-texinfo+-dissolve-noexport-headlines: t
     # End:
