Homepage: https://github.com/sebasmonia/panda
Author: Sebastian Monia
Client for Bamboo's REST API
Consume Bamboo's terrible REST API to do useful things Steps to setup: 1. Place panda.el in your load-path. Or install from MELPA. 2. Customize 'panda' to add the Bamboo URL or manually: (setq 'panda-api-url "https://bamboo.yourorg.com/rest/api/latest")) - No trailing / - 3. There's a keymay provided for convenience (require 'panda) (global-set-key (kbd "C-c b") 'panda-map) ;; b for "Bamboo" For a detailed user manual see: https://github.com/sebasmonia/panda/blob/master/README.md