Homepage: https://github.com/lunaryorn/pkg-info.el
Author: Sebastian Wiesner
Information about packages
This library extracts information from installed packages. Functions: `pkg-info-library-version' extracts the version from the header of a library. `pkg-info-defining-library-version' extracts the version from the header of a library defining a function. `pkg-info-package-version' gets the version of an installed package. `pkg-info-format-version' formats a version list as human readable string. `pkg-info-version-info' returns complete version information for a specific package. `pkg-info-get-melpa-recipe' gets the MELPA recipe for a package. `pkg-info-get-melpa-fetcher' gets the fetcher used to build a package on MELPA. `pkg-info-wiki-package-p' determines whether a package was build from EmacsWiki on MELPA.