Homepage: https://github.com/xuchunyang/plur
Author: Chunyang Xu
Easily search and replace multiple variants of a word
* Plur This package introduces a new syntax =...{subexp1,subexp2,...}...= to search and replace a group of words. Three commands are provided by this package: - ~plur-isearch-forward~ - ~plur-query-replace~ - ~plur-replace~ ** Replace example To replace "mouse" with "cat" and "mice" with "cats" using: #+BEGIN_SRC undefined M-x plur-query-replace RET m{ouse,ice} RET cat{,s} RET #+END_SRC For more examples, - Facility to Building facilit{y,ies} building{,s} - Mouse to Trackpad m{ouse,ice} trackpad{,s} - Swap Emacs and Vim {emacs,vim} {vim,emacs} ** Search example To search "mouse" and "mice" using: #+BEGIN_SRC undefined M-x plur-isearch-forward RET m{ouse,ice} #+END_SRC ** Requirements - Emacs 24.4 or higher ** Installation *** MELPA Plur is available from [[https://melpa.org][Melpa]]. You can install it using: #+BEGIN_SRC undefined M-x package-install RET plur RET #+END_SRC *** Manually Make sure plur.el is saved in a directory in you ~load-path~ and load it. Add something like #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp (add-to-list 'load-path "path/to/plur/") (require 'plur) #+END_SRC to your init file. ** Acknowledge This package is inspired by [[https://github.com/tpope/vim-abolish][vim-abolish]].