Homepage: https://gitlab.com/mavit/poly-ansible
Author: Peter Oliver
Polymode for Ansible: Jinja2 in YAML
Edit YAML files for Ansible containing embedded Jinja2 templating. This is a polymode, gluing jinja2-mode into either yaml-mode or yaml-ts-mode. If you usually use yaml-ts-mode to edit YAML files, then that mode will be used as the host mode; otherwise, yaml-mode will be used. In either case, minor modes ansible-mode and ansible-doc-mode are both also activated. Also included is poly-systemd-jinja2-mode, a polymode gluing jinja2-mode into systemd-mode, for when you’re using templates to create Systemd unit configurations. Aside: Although yaml-ts-mode is built in to Emacs, as of version 29 it is missing basic features compared to yaml-mode (such as indentation). It also requires the separate installation of the tree-sitter-yaml Tree-sitter parser (either via your operating system’s package manager, via treesit-auto, or manually).