Homepage: https://github.com/karthink/popper
Author: Karthik Chikmagalur
Summon and dismiss buffers as popups
Popper is a minor-mode to tame the flood of ephemeral windows Emacs produces, while still keeping them within arm's reach. Designate any buffer to "popup" status, and it will stay out of your way. Disimss or summon it easily with one key. Cycle through all your "popups" or just the ones relevant to your current buffer. Useful for many things, including toggling display of REPLs, documentation, compilation or shell output, etc. For a demo describing usage and customization see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E-xUNlZi3rI Commands: `popper-mode': Turn on popup management `popper-toggle': Toggle latest popup `popper-cycle': Cycle through all popups, or close all open popups `popper-toggle-type': Turn a regular window into a popup or vice-versa `popper-kill-latest-popup': Kill latest open popup Customization: `popper-reference-buffers': A list of major modes or regexps whose corresponding buffer major-modes or regexps (respectively) should be treated as popups. `popper-mode-line': String or sexp to show in the mode-line of popper. Setting this to nil removes the mode-line entirely from popup buffers. `popper-group-function': Function that returns the context a popup should be shown in. The context is a string or symbol used to group together a set of buffers and their associated popups, such as the project root. Customize for available options. `popper-display-control': This package summons windows defined by the user as popups by simply calling `display-buffer'. By default, it will display your popups in a non-obtrusive way. If you want Popper to display popups according to window rules you specify in `display-buffer-alist' (or through a package like Shackle), set this variable to nil. There are other customization options, such as the ability to suppress certain popups and keep them from showing. Please customize the popper group for details.