Homepage: https://github.com/shaqxu/prettify-math
Author: Shaq Tsui
Prettify math formula
Prettify math is a EMACS minor mode to prettify math formulas. It's base on mathjax, refer mathjax for math formula related stuffs. Default math formula delimiters: $$ -> tex math, ` -> asciimath. Prerequisite nodejs - used to run mathjax, simple installation refer: https://nodejs.dev/download/package-manager Installation install `prettify-math` from melpa Usage enable prettify-math-mode in your buffer, or globally via global-prettify-math-mode. Customization You can customize delimiter before this module loaded. Code example in init.el: (setq prettify-math-delimiters-alist '(("$" tex) (("\\(" . "\\)") tex block) ("`" asciimath) ("``" asciimath block))) (require 'prettify-math)