

Author: Cedric Lallain



Generic mode to browse project file


project-buffer-mode provides a generic way to handle multiple
projects in a buffer.

A Project is defined by:
 - its name
 - its main file (Makefile, Jam, Scons...)
 - a build configuration list (Debug, Release, ...)
 - a platform list (Win32, PocketPC, Linux...)
 - and obviously a list of files.


Through a hierarchical view, the project-buffer mode provides an
very easy and intuitive way to search for a particular files (key:
'/', then 'n' or 'p' to go to the next or previous matching
result).  Note: press 'q' to cancel the research.

Opening the current is a simple as pressing  or
'o' to open it in another window.
Press 'f' if you want to open all marked files.


Four different view-modes are currently supported:
- folder-view ()
- flat-view
- folder-hidden-view
- marked-view

It's possible to switch between them using 'c v'.

The first three modes show the project with their associated files:
- folder-view shows a tree-view of files.
- flat-view shows the list of the files prefixed by their folder
- folder-hidden-view shows the list of just the file names, next
to it, it displays the real path for each of them.

The final view mode named marked-view shows only the list of marked
files, prefixed by their project and folders.


Files can be marked/unmarked individually, but you can also easily
mark all files whose names are matching a regular expression ('/'
then 'm').
Note: using the mark/unmark command in front of a folder of a
project results in marking every files which belong to this folder
or this project.


The search in files functionality comes with three different behaviors:
- Narrow the marked files ()
- All files
- Current project

Before talking about the "Narrow the marked files" behavior which
is the default one; let's quickly go throught the others two:

- If the search behavior is set to "All files", the search-in-files
command ('s') will do a search-regexp in files for each unmarked
files (all projects) and mark the ones which contain the regexp.

- If the search behavior is set to "Current Project" the
search-in-files will do search-regexp in files for each unmarked
file contained in the current project.  The current project being
defined by the position of the cursor.  Again, each matching files
will be marked.

Note: it is possible to have the search-regexp in file unmarking
the files instead by using the prefix argument (C-u).

Finally in case the search behavior is set to "Narrow the marked
files": if no files are actually marked, it will behave the same
way as the "All files" behavior.  In case some files are marked, it
will only perform the "search-regexp in files" in the marked files,
unmarking the ones which don't contain the regular expression.

This provide an easy way to narrow/refine some research.

The search behavior can be either customized or locally change
(pressing 'c s')

Note: in case a search-in-files mark or unmark some files; the view
mode will automatically be switched to marked-view.  This behavior
can be disabled.


The master project, build configuration and platform can be easily
changed using respectively: 'c t' 'c b' 'c p' Using the capital
letter ('c T' 'c B' and 'c P') will prompt the user for the new

This value allows to take quick actions for the master project:
build/clean/run/debug/update (keys: 'B' 'C' 'R' 'D' 'G')


Shortkey in the project-buffer-mode:
   +    -> collapse/expand folder/project (cursor has to be on a folder/project)
   m    -> mark the 'matching regexp' filename or the current file
   u    -> unmark file
   t    -> toggle marked files
   M    -> mark all
   U    -> unmark all
   f    -> open marked files
   q    -> cancel file search or bury project-buffer
   g    -> refresh the display / the projects (C-u g: refresh the current project only)
   ?    -> show brief help!!
   /    -> search file name matching regexp
   n    -> next file matching regexp
   p    -> prev file matching regexp
   v    -> view current file in view-mode
   o    -> find file at current pos in other window
   s    -> (un)mark files containing regexp...
   -> collapse/expand folder/project (work if the cursor is on a file)
   -> open file at cursor pos
   -> Delete the current node or the marked files
   -> go to parent
   -> next line
S- -> prev line
C- -> move to the next folder/project
C-  -> move to the previous folder/project
C- -> expand if collapsed move to the first folder; move inside if expanded
C- -> move up if folded collapsed; collapse if in front of folder ; move to the folded if in front of a file
   c s  -> Toggle search mode
   c v  -> Toggle view mode (flat / flat with the folder hidden / folder / marked files view)
   c b  -> switch to the next build configuration
   c m  -> switch the master project to be the current project
   c p  -> switch to the next platform
   c B  -> prompt to change build configuration
   c M  -> prompt for the master project (project to build)
   c P  -> prompt to change platform
   d a  -> add a project dependency
   d r  -> remove a project dependency
   B    -> launch build
   C    -> launch clean
   D    -> launch run/with debugger
   R    -> launch run/without debugger
   G    -> launch the update command (useful to regenerate some makefile/vcproj... from cmake for example); can also be consider a user command.
   1    -> Switch to folder-view mode
   2    -> Switch to flat-view mode
   3    -> Switch to folder-hidden-view mode
   4    -> Switch to marked-view mode

Future improvement:
   T    -> touch marked files (need a variable to make sure touch is always available)
   h    -> find corresponding header/source (need regexps to match one and the other such as: source/header = ( "\.c\(pp\)?" . "\.h\(pp\)?" ) )
   b    -> compile/buils marked files
