
Homepage: https://github.com/voxpupuli/puppet-mode

Author: Bozhidar Batsov, Russ Allbery, Sebastian Wiesner, Vox Pupuli



Major mode for Puppet manifests


GNU Emacs 24 major mode for editing Puppet manifests.

Provides syntax highlighting, indentation, alignment, movement, Imenu and
code checking.

Syntax highlighting: Fontification supports all of Puppet 3 syntax, including
variable expansion in strings.

Indentation: Indent expressions automatically.

Alignment: Provide alignment rules for common Puppet expressions, and align
the current block with `puppet-align-block' on C-c C-a.

Movement: Move to the beginning or end of the current block with
`beginning-of-defun' (C-M-a) and `end-of-defun' (C-M-e) respectively.

Imenu: Jump to a tag in the current buffer with `imenu' on C-c C-j.  Index
variables, resource defaults, classes, nodes, defined types and resource

Code checking: Validate the syntax of the current buffer with
`puppet-validate' on C-c C-v.  Lint the current buffer for semantic errors
with `puppet-lint' on C-c C-l.  Apply the current buffer with `puppet-apply'
on C-c C-c.

Syntax checking: Flymake support is _not_ provided.  See Flycheck at
http://www.flycheck.org for on-the-fly validation and liniting of Puppet
