Homepage: http://www.emacswiki.org/quick-jump.el
Author: Joseph
Remember current position,and jump back
quick-jump.el works like `register' in Emacs. but it is different to it ,quick-jump.el push current position to a ring named `qj-marker-ring' then you can go back(or forward) to the position ,and you can clear all the position in `qj-marker-ring' to manager the ring by `quick-jump-clear-all-marker'. Suppose you have run `quick-jump-push-marker' on line 1,5,10 then three positions is pushed into `qj-marker-ring'. now the ring is [10,5,1],you are on line 10 now ,then you run `quick-jump-go-back' you will be back to line 5, the ring still is [10,5,1]. but `qj-current-marker' is not the last position you have pushed on line 10, it's line 5 now. go back and go forward are related to `qj-current-marker'. when you `quick-jump-go-back' or `quick-jump-go-forward' it will decide whether push current position to `qj-marker-ring' automaticly or not . when the count of lines between current line and the line of `qj-current-marker' are larger than `qj-line-count', then current position will be automaticly put into `qj-marker-ring' So suppose the ring is [15,10,5,1] and `qj-current-marker' is 10 ,if you are on line 100 now ,and you run `quick-jump-go-back' now you position is go back to line 5,the ring become [100,15,10.5.1],because 100-10>`qj-line-count' it is larger than `qj-line-count' default value 10.but if you are on line 16 and run `quick-jump-go-back', the ring still is [15,10,5,1] ,it isn't [16,15,10,5,1],because 16-10<`qj-line-count'.