Homepage: https://github.com/knu/replace-with-inflections.el
Author: Akinori MUSHA
Inflection aware `query-replace'
This package currently provides the following function: * `query-replace-with-inflections' Tis is an inflection aware version of `query-replace'. For example, replacing "foo_bar" with "baz_quux" will also replace "foo_bars" with "baz_quuxes", "FooBar" with "BazQuux", "FOO_BAR" with "BAZ_QUUX", and so on. Read the docstring for details. For the term "inflection", refer to the following packages which this library depends on: * inflections: URL `https://github.com/eschulte/jump.el' * string-inflection: URL `https://github.com/akicho8/string-inflection' Here's my suggested settings: (define-key search-map "n" 'query-replace-with-inflections)