
Homepage: https://github.com/ROCKTAKEY/rii




Reversible input interface for multiple input


Rii: Reversible Input Interface for Emacs
  You can read multiple input from users.  Users can go back backward input
  through the buttons in the buffer.

    (rii ((editor (completing-read "Favorite editor: " '("Emacs" "Vim" "VSCode")))
          (fruit  (intern (completing-read "Favorite fruit: " '(apple orange lemon)))))
      (switch-to-buffer "*Welcome-to-Rii*")
      (insert "Welcome to Rii!\n\n"
              "Your favorite editor is " editor "!\n"
              "Your favorite fruit is " (pp fruit) "!\n"))

How to Use?
  You can just use macro `rii' for the purpose.  Semantics is almost same as `let',
  but a little expanded.  Buffer is shown to provide backward input.

    (rii (
          ;; You can bind any object, such as string, and symbol.
          (editor (completing-read "Favorite editor: " '("Emacs" "Vim" "VSCode")))
          (fruit  (intern (completing-read "Favorite fruit: " '(apple orange lemon))))
          ;; If you would like to display string in buffer instead of value,
          ;; use `rii-change-display-value'.
          (str-list (let* ((list-list '(("star" . ("Sun" "Vega" "Antares" "Sirius"))
                                        ("planet" . ("Mercury" "Venus" "Earth" "Mars"))))
                           (key (completing-read "Which list do you use: " list-list))
                           (value (cdr (assoc key list-list))))
                       value                ;Actual value
                       key)))               ;Displayed string
          ;; If you want to change string of button, use list instead of symbol as car.
          ;; Cdr the car list is plist.
          ((sport                            ;Symbol bound by value
            :display "Your favorite sports") ;String displayed on the buffer
           (completing-read "Favorite sports: "
                            '("soccer" "baseball" "basketball" "skiing"))))
      (switch-to-buffer "*Welcome-to-Rii*")
      (insert "Welcome to Rii!\n\n"
              "Your favorite editor is " editor "!\n"
              "Your favorite fruit is " (pp fruit) "!\n"
              "Your favorite sport is " sport "!\n\n")
      (dolist (x str-list)
        (insert x ", "))
      (insert "are very beautiful!\n"))

Detail of `rii' macro

    (rii ((VAR VALUE) ...)

Basic structure
  Basical smantics is same as `let', except that `VAR' cannot be used instead of
  =(VAR nil)= (because binding by `nil' is unecessary).  Also constant or noninteractive
  sexp can be also accepted as `VALUE', but button is still displayed, so `let' is
  recommended for that case.

    (rii (
          ;;Input string
          (str (read-string "Input some str: "))
          ;; Constant is accepted but not recommended
          (x 1))
      (message "%s / %d" str x))

Change button string
  If you want to change button string, use =((VAR :display "something") VALUE)=
  instead of =(VAR VALUE)=, in first argument of `rii'.  By default, string capitalized
  `VAR' and repleced "-" with " " is used.

    (rii (((str :display "My string")       ;Button is shown as "My string" instead of "Str"
           (read-string "Hit some str: "))
          ((num :display "My number")       ;Button is shown as "My number" inttead of "Num"
           (read-number "Hit number: ")))
      (message "%s%d" str num))

Change displayed string of each value
   If you want to change string displayed after button instead of value returned by `VALUE',
   use `rii-change-display-value' or `rii-change-display-value-func'.
   First argument is commonly value returned by `VALUE'.
   On `rii-change-display-value', second argument is string displayed instead of `VALUE'.
   On `rii-change-display-value-func', second argument is function which recieves
   first argument and which returns displayed string.

     (rii ((str1 (rii-change-display-value
                  (read-string "String1: ")
                  "xyz"))                    ;Always display "xyz"
           (str2 (let ((s (read-string "String1: ")))
                      s                      ;Actually bound value
                      (concat "xyz" s))))    ;Prefixed by "xyz"
           (num (rii-change-display-value-func
                 (read-number "Number: ")    ;Actually bound value
                 (lambda (x)                 ;x is bound by read number
                   (make-string x ?a)))))    ;display "a" X times.
       (message "%s\n%s\n%d" str1 str2 num))

Use custom variables prefixed by =rii-=
   When symbol prefixed by "rii-" is used as `VAR', the =(VAR VALUE)=
   is regarded as special.  While the other `VALUE' s are evaluated
   sequencially, `VALUE' s of "rii-"-prefixed `VAR' are evaluated
   earlier than any others.  These `VAR' is bound buffer-locally
   (not bound dynamically), so accessable only in the buffer.

     (rii ((rii-buffer-name "*Welcome*")     ;Like this
           (str (read-string "str: ")))
       (message str))

Keybinding in buffer
  | Key            | Function                | Description                   |
  | TAB            | forward-button          | Go to next button             |
  | backtab(S-TAB) | backward-button         | Go to previous button         |
  | SPC            | scroll-up-command       | Scroll up the buffer          |
  | S-SPC          | scroll-down-command     | Scroll down the buffer        |
  | M-p            | rii-previous-history    | Load previous history         |
  | M-n            | rii-next-history        | Load next history             |
  | q              | quit-window             | Quit this buffer (not killed) |
  | C-c C-k        | rii-kill-current-buffer | Kill buffer                   |
  | C-c C-c        | rii-apply               | Push apply button             |

Custom variables
  All custom variables below can use as `VAR' in first argument of `rii'.
  You can change default value by set variable globally.

`rii-button-type', `rii-button-apply-type'
   Button type which is used to create input button or application button.
   See document of `define-button-type'.

   Buffer name used by `rii'.

   Whether create multiple buffers when buffer named `rii-buffer-name'
   is already exist.  when the value is `non-nil' and when buffer named
   `rii-buffer-name' is already exist, `rii' creates buffer named
   `rii-buffer-name' + "" (N is serial number).  When the value is `nil',
   ask whether kill the buffer or not.

   Separator string between section.
   (section means pair of button and displayed value).

   Separator string between button and value.

   Whether confirm before apply or not.

  Comment inserted on head of the buffer.

   Variable which has history.
   Set this on `rii' if you want to use isolated history.

   Default size of history saved in `rii-ring-history-variable'.

  This package is licensed by GPLv3. See LICENSE.
