Homepage: https://github.com/semenInRussia/emacs-run-command-recipes
Author: semenInRussia
Start pack of recipes to `run-command'
This is collection of recipes to `run-command'. I found `run-command' package of Bard very useful, the great idea that you have one command to run ALL compile-like commands which have a relation to your file is very awesome. Also it uses main power of Emacs: extensibility. `run-command' not only let you ability to customization, even better you can choose the commands that will be visible on your own and even control WHEN, HOW, WHERE. WOW! But without the initial start kit is useless, you can call command but it do nothing. I am trying to provide for you an OK starting pack of these recipes, for all languages in which I sometimes found that need in some help to run it. If you're going to use all supported languages, just put the following code into your Emacs configuration: (run-command-recipes-use-all) If you're going to use only some special languages, just put the following one (run-command-recipes-use 'latex 'pandoc) Also, Instead of LaTeX and pandoc, you can be interested in other "build systems" (or how to call it?) - c - cpp - csharp - elixir - go - haskell - java - latex - make - pandoc - python - racket - rust