Homepage: https://github.com/ShuguangSun/sas-py
Author: Shuguang Sun
SAS with SASPy
SAS with SASPy It runs an interactive python shell and wraps the utilities from SASPy to make it convenient to work with SAS for any kind of SASPy supported SAS deployments, for example, IOM for local installed SAS on Windows, IOM for remote workspace server (e.g. SAS OA), and HTTP for SAS Viya. For more access method, please refer to the documents of SASPy To install SASPy in Python: pip install saspy Usage: 1. Set `sas-py-cfgname' to the config. 2. Call `run-sas-py' 3. `sas-py-submit-file' or `sas-py-submit-region'