

Author: Hrvoje Nikšić


Save minibuffer history


Many editors (e.g. Vim) have the feature of saving minibuffer
history to an external file after exit.  This package provides the
same feature in Emacs.  When set up, it saves recorded minibuffer
histories to a file (`~/.emacs.d/history' by default).  Additional
variables may be specified by customizing

To use savehist, turn on savehist-mode by putting the following in

    (savehist-mode 1)

or with customize: `M-x customize-option RET savehist-mode RET'.

You can also explicitly save history with `M-x savehist-save' and
load it by loading the `savehist-file' with `M-x load-file'.

If you are using a version of Emacs that does not ship with this
package, be sure to have `savehist.el' in a directory that is in
your load-path, and to byte-compile it.

Reverse dependencies