Homepage: https://github.com/johnstonskj/emacs-sdml-mode
Author: Simon Johnston
Major mode for SDML
This package provides a tree-sitter based major mode for SDML. ___ _____ ___ / /\ / /::\ /__/\ / /:/_ / /:/\:\ | |::\ / /:/ /\ / /:/ \:\ | |:|:\ ___ ___ / /:/ /::\ /__/:/ \__\:| __|__|:|\:\ /__/\ / /\ /__/:/ /:/\:\ \ \:\ / /:/ /__/::::| \:\ \ \:\ / /:/ \ \:\/:/~/:/ \ \:\ /:/ \ \:\~~\__\/ \ \:\ /:/ \ \::/ /:/ \ \:\/:/ \ \:\ \ \:\/:/ \__\/ /:/ \ \::/ \ \:\ \ \::/ /__/:/ \__\/ \ \:\ \__\/ \__\/ Domain \__\/ Language Simple Modeling Installing Install is easiest from MELPA, here's how with `use-package`. `(use-package sdml-mode)' Or, interactively; `M-x package-install RET sdml-ispell RET' Usage Once installed the major mode should be used for any file ending in `.sdm' or `.sdml' with highlighting and indentation support. Abbreviations and Skeletons This package creates a new `abbrev-table', named `sdml-mode-abbrev-table', which provides a number of useful skeletons for the following. `abbrev-mode' is enabled by `sdml-mode' and when typing one of the abbreviations below type space to expand. Typing `d t SPCA' will prompt for a name and expand into the SDML declaration `datatype MyName ← opaque _' where the underscore character represents the new cursor position. Declarations: mo=module, dt=datatype, en=enum, ev=event, pr=property, st=structure, un=union Annotation Properties: pal=skos:altLabel, pdf=skos:definition, ped=skos:editorialNote, ppl=skos:prefLabel, pco=rdfs:comment Constraints: ci=informal, cf=formal, all=universal, any=existential Datatypes: db=boolean, dd=decimal, df=double, dh=binary, di=integer, sd=string, du=unsigned Interactive Commands `sdml-mode-validate-current-buffer' (\\[sdml-mode-validate-current-buffer]) to validate and show errors for the current buffer's module. Adding this as a save-hook allows validation on every save of a buffer. `(add-hook 'after-save-hook 'sdml-validate-current-buffer)' `sdml-mode-validate-file' (\\[sdml-mode-validate-file]) to validate and show errors for a specified file name. `sdml-mode-current-buffer-dependency-tree' (\\[sdml-mode-current-buffer-dependency-tree]) to display the dependencies of the current buffer's module as a textual tree. `sdml-mode-current-buffer-dependency-graph' (\\[sdml-mode-current-buffer-dependency-graph]) to display the dependencies of the current buffer's module as an SVG directed graph. Debug `\\[tree-sitter-debug-mode]' -- open tree-sitter debug view `\\[tree-sitter-query-builder]' -- open tree-sitter query builder Extensions `flycheck-sdml' -- Integrate the lisp-based linter with sdml-mode. `ob-sdml' -- Support SDML org-mode Babel blocks `sdml-fold' -- Provide code-folding for SDML source. `sdml-ispell' -- Provide spell checking for specific SDML Tree-Sitter nodes.