Homepage: https://codeberg.org/Anoncheg/selected-window-contrast
Highlight by brightness of text and background
It Loop windows at frame, measure and adjust contrast. Allow to set color (face) of background and text by comparing their brightness. This is useful for changing themes during the daytime (circadian package) and for highlighting selected window. Also this works for modeline. Usage: (require 'selected-window-contrast) ;; - increase contrast for selected window (default = 1.0) (setopt selected-window-contrast-selected-magnitude-text 0.8) (setopt selected-window-contrast-selected-magnitude-background 0.9) ;; - decrease conrtrast for other windows (default = 1.0) (setopt selected-window-contrast-not-sel-magnitude-text 1.1) (setopt selected-window-contrast-not-sel-magnitude-background 1.1) (add-hook 'buffer-list-update-hook #'selected-window-contrast-highlight-selected-window) ;; - for case of call: $ emacsclient -c ~/file (add-hook 'server-after-make-frame-hook #'selected-window-contrast-highlight-selected-window) To increase contrast of selected modeline: (selected-window-contrast-change-modeline 0.7 0.7) How this works: 1) We get color with `face-attribute' `selected-frame' for foreground and backgraound. 2) Convert color to HSL 3) adjust brightness in direction of foreground-background average 4) convert color to RGB, then to HEX 5) apply color Customize: M-x customize-group RET selected-window-contrast