Homepage: http://github.com/kyagi/shell-pop-el
Author: Kazuo YAGI
Helps you to use shell easily on Emacs. Only one key action to work
This is a utility which helps you pop up and pop out shell buffer window easily. Just do M-x shell-pop, and it is strongly recommended to assign one hot-key to this function. I hope this is useful for you, and ENJOY YOUR HAPPY HACKING! Configuration: Use M-x customize-variable RET `shell-pop-shell-type' RET to customize the shell to use. Four pre-set options are: `shell', `terminal', `ansi-term', and `eshell'. You can also set your custom shell if you use other configuration. For `terminal' and `ansi-term' options, you can set the underlying shell by customizing `shell-pop-term-shell'. By default, `shell-file-name' is used. Use M-x customize-group RET shell-pop RET to set further options such as hotkey, window height and position.