Homepage: https://github.com/vapniks/mark
Author: Greg Rowe
Navigate and visualize the mark-ring
* Commentary This library provides the commands to navigate and display the mark ring. The `show-marks' command displays a buffer listing the marks in the buffer from which it was called. You can then press enter on one of the listed marks to jump to it, or press d to delete it from the mark ring. You can also use the `forward-mark' and `backward-mark' commands to navigate the marks in the mark ring. Installation: Put show-marks.el in a directory in your load-path, e.g. ~/.emacs.d/ You can add a directory to your load-path with the following line in ~/.emacs (add-to-list 'load-path (expand-file-name "~/elisp")) where ~/elisp is the directory you want to add (you don't need to do this for ~/.emacs.d - it's added by default). Add the following to your ~/.emacs startup file. (require 'show-marks) I recommend also binding the commands to global keys, e.g: (global-set-key (kbd "") 'forward-mark) (global-set-key (kbd " ") 'backward-mark) (global-set-key (kbd " ") 'show-marks)