Homepage: https://github.com/mhayashi1120/Emacs-slideview
Author: Masahiro Hayashi
File slideshow
View sequential files with simple operation. ## Install: (require 'slideview) Start slideview-mode automatically when open a image file. (add-hook 'image-mode-hook 'slideview-mode) ## Usage: * Space Move forward slideview * Backspace Move backward slideview * `C-c C-i` / `C-c C-M-i` (Work only in `image-mode') Concatenate current image with next/previous image. To indicate the viewing file direction, please use `slideview-modify-setting' or `slideview-add-matched-file' * Slideview settings for file.zip (slideview-modify-setting "/path/to/file.zip" :margin 30 :direction 'right)