

Author: Dave Pearson



Smart signature selection based on message content


This code is designed for use when editing email and news articles. It
lets you create signatures that automatically adapt to what you're
writing based on words contained in the body of the text.

smartsig allows you to do this by letting you define signatures with
associated keywords. The definition is done using `smartsig-add':

  (smartsig-add ID SIGNATURE &rest KEYWORDS)

ID is a unique ID for the signature, make it something short and
meaningful. SIGNATURE is a pointer to the signature file that you want
used when this signature becomes applicable. KEYWORDS is an open ended
list of keywords that will help trigger the selection of this signature.

Because there are a number of mail/news editing modes out there some
parts of smartsig need to be configured before it will work. The
configuration items are:

  `smartsig-start-of-body-function' : This variable should be set to
  point to a function that will return the `point' of the start of the
  body of the article (IOW the first bit of text after any headers).

  `smartsig-end-of-body-function' : This variable should be set to point
  to a function that will return the `point' of the end of the body of
  the article (IOW the `point' before the signature).

  `smartsig-set-signature' : This variable should be set to point to a
  function that will set the signature. The function should take a single
  parameter that is the name of the signature file.

  `smartsig-abbrev-table' : This variable should be set to a symbol that
  is the name of the abbrev table you intend to use.

Please note that smartsig needs abbrev to work. Once you've configured
smartsig to work with your environment you'll still need to turn on
`abbrev-mode' for your mail/news editing mode before anything will

The latest smartsig.el is always available from:



o Drop smartsig.el somewhere into your `load-path'. Try your site-lisp
  directory for example (you might also want to byte-compile the file).

o Because smartsig needs to be used with your editing mode of choice you
  need to create a hook for that mode. The hook would look something like:

  (add-hook 'some-mail-editing-mode-hook
            (lambda ()
              (require 'smartsig)
              (setq smartsig-set-signature #'function-for-setting-signature)
              (setq smartsig-abbrev-table  'some-mail-editing-mode-abbrev-table)
              (smartsig-add "emacs" "~/.sigs/emacs" "emacs" "xemacs" "elisp" "gnu")
              (smartsig-add "mutt"  "~/.sigs/mutt"  "mutt" "mail" "email" "elkins")
              (abbrev-mode 1)))

  where `some-mail-editing-mode-hook' is the hook for the editing mode
  you use and `some-mail-editing-mode-abbrev-table' is the abbrev table
  you use in that editing mode.
