
Homepage: https://repo.or.cz/spice-mode.git

Author: Carlin J. Vieri, MIT AI Lab, Emmanuel Rouat, Geert A. M. Van der Plas



Major mode for SPICE


The original spice-mode.el created by C. Vieri has been modified
extensively. These changes have been heavily influenced by the eldo-mode.el
of Emmanuel Rouat (the tempo-templates for one) and the vhdl-mode.el of
Reto Zimmermann and Rodney J. Whitby (the font-locking, the
customization, the menus, ...) Help in understanding 'advanced' Lisp
was provided by G. Debyser , our (Common) Lisp
expert. Since version 0.97 a lot of input/ideas have been provided by
Emmanuel Rouat. Just take a look and search for eldo-mode ;)

This package provides an Emacs major mode for editing SPICE decks.
