
Homepage: https://github.com/jwiegley/springboard

Author: John Wiegley



Temporarily change default-directory for one command


How many times have you wanted to fire off a quick command, such as M-!,
but the directory you want to run the command in isn't the same as the
directory of the current buffer?  In those situations, you want a quick way
to change the default-directory *for only the next command*.  That is what
Springboard aims to solve.

Bind it to a convenient key, like Control-., and after you press it you'll
see a handy Helm buffer showing the directories of all the files you've
recently visited, plus the permanent directory list from
`springboard-directories' -- a good place to list your active project

Type a few chars to narrow down to the directory of interest, then just
type your command, like M-!, C-x C-f, or whatever custom bindings you may
have to run PCVS, Magit, etc.  The moment you type your command,
Springboard disappears, and if your command needs minibuffer input, you'll
now be in the minibuffer for that new command.
