
Homepage: http://fly.srk.fer.hr/~hniksic

Author: Hrvoje Niksic



Render SQL*Plus HTML output on-the-fly


This package might be useful to people who use Oracle's SQL*Plus in
a shell buffer.  It massages the output of SQL*Plus to format it
into nice-looking tables a la mysql's command line client.  This is
feasible thanks to the fact that SQL*Plus has an option to produce
HTML output, and that links and w3 handle HTML tables nicely.

For the mode to work, you will need a working `w3' package or the
`links' external browser (`lynx' won't do because it doesn't handle
tables.)  Start the `sqlplus' client in a comint (i.e. shell)
buffer.  Then execute `M-x sqlplus-html-init-all', and you should
be set.

To test whether this works as intended, issue a simple query such
as "select 2+2 from dual".  The result should look like this:

SQL>select 2+2 from dual;

| 4 |

sqlplus-html-init-all does two things: sends "set markup html on"
to SQL*Plus to make it write all output in HTML; and and puts the
buffer in sqlplus-html minor mode so that the HTML output is
rendered on the fly.

You can disable the mode at any time with `M-x sqlplus-html-mode',
which works as a toggle.

The latest version should be available at:


Thanks go to:
  * Drazen Kacar , for introducing me to "set
  markup html on".
