
Homepage: https://github.com/functionreturnfunction/textsnip.el



Posts text to textsnip for sharing


This file adds a command called "post-to-textsnip".  When invoked, it will
post text to textsnip.com for simple/formatted sharing.  If invoked with an
active region, it will use the text within that region, else it will use the
entirety of the text within the current buffer.  The resulting url from
textsnip will then be placed in the kill-ring, as well as the os clipboard
where applicable.  If the current major mode is listed in
textsnip/mode-alist, the url will be ammended with the corresponding
textsnip mode for convenience (saves a mouse click or two).

This package depends on the package http-post-simple, which can be attained
at http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/http-post-simple.el

To install, copy this file to a path accessible by emacs (specified in
load-path), and require it using:
(require 'textsnip)

To use, invoke with M-x "post-to-textsnip".  This can optionally be bound to
a key sequence.
