
Homepage: http://www.emacswiki.org/elisp/tidy.el

Author: Kahlil (Kal) HODGSON



Interface to the HTML Tidy program


Provides a simple interface to the HTML Tidy program -- a free
utility that can fix common errors in your mark-up and clean up
sloppy editing automatically. See


for more details.  This package provides the following functions:

      `tidy-save-settings', and

These can be invoked interactively (using M-x) or via the menu-bar.
The function `tidy-buffer' sends the current buffer to HTML Tidy,
replacing the existing contents with a "tidied" version.  If
`tidy-buffer' is given a prefix argument, tidy operates on the
current region, ignoring mark-up outside ... tags
(useful for writhing cgi scripts in Pearl).  Warnings and errors
are presented in a compilation buffer to facilitate tracking down
necessary changes (e.g. C-x ` is bound to `next-error').

This package also provides menu-bar support for setting Tidy's many
options, and includes support for Tidy configuration files.  The
function `tidy-parse-config-file' will synchronise options
displayed in the menu-bar with the settings in `tidy-config-file'.
This is normally called by the load-hook for your HTML editing mode
(see installation instructions below).  The function
`tidy-save-settings' will save the current option settings to your
`tidy-config-file'.  Finally `tidy-describe-options' allows you to
browse the documentation strings associated with each option.
