
Author: Neil Roberts



Simple Emacs-based client for Twitter


A Twitter client for emacs that can view your friends timeline and
publish new statuses.

This requires the oauth package from here:

You should add the following to your Emacs configuration file:

(autoload 'twitel-get-friends-timeline "twitel" nil t)
(autoload 'twitel-status-edit "twitel" nil t)
(global-set-key "\C-xt" 'twitel-get-friends-timeline)
(add-hook 'twitel-status-edit-mode-hook 'longlines-mode)

You can view the statuses by pressing C-x t. While in the timeline
buffer you can press C-c C-s to post a new status or C-c C-r to
reply to the status at point. Once the message is finished press
C-c C-c to publish.

To use Twitel you need to specify a consumer key and consumer
secret for OAuth authentication. Twitter's idea is that an
application developer would hardcode these keys into an application
and then try to hide them. However that's not really possible with
an open source application so instead they are left blank here. To
get keys you could either register your own Twitter application or
possibly steal another key from another application. Once you have
the value you can customize the twitel group to set them.

The first time you use Twitel it will use OAuth to get an access
token from Twitter. This will require you to login to a web page
and copy a code. The access token is saved so this should only be
needed once.
