Homepage: https://github.com/yoshiki/tx-mode
Author: Yoshiki Kurihara
Major mode for editing Text::Xslate syntax
This is a major mode for editing files written in Text::Xslate syntax. Installation: To install, just drop this file into a directory in your `load-path' and (optionally) byte-compile it. To automatically handle files ending in `.tx', add something like: (autoload 'tx-mode "tx-mode" "Major mode for editing Text::Xslate syntax") (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.tx$" . tx-mode)) to your .emacs file. To use syntax of Text::Xslate::Syntax::Metakolon '[% ... %]', set `tx-tag-start-char', `tx-tag-end-char' and `tx-line-start-char' to `tx-mode-hook' like following code. (add-hook 'tx-mode-hook '(lambda () (setq tx-tag-start-char "[%") (setq tx-tag-end-char "%]") (setq tx-line-start-char "%")))